FAQ / Help Center

How can I request a return?
To request a return, please email us at iconboutique.store@gmail.com with the following information: order number, full name, email address, name of returned items and reason for return.

What is the deadline to request a return?
The deadline to request a return is 7 calendar days from the date you received the order.

Is there any additional cost to return a product?
The cost of return shipping is the responsibility of the customer.

Do they return the money?
Yes, we refund the money to the original payment method.

How will I receive my refund?
The refund will be processed through the payment method you used to make the purchase.
If you have used a credit or debit card, the refund will reflect on your statement within 7 to 10 business days, depending on your bank's policy.

How long does it take to process a return?
Once we receive the returned product, we will verify its status and proceed to process the refund within 5 business days.

Can I exchange a product instead of requesting a return?
Yes, if you wish to exchange a product instead of requesting a return, please email us at iconboutique.store@gmail.com with the details of the product you wish to exchange and the product you wish to receive in exchange. We will provide you with the necessary instructions to carry out the exchange process.

Is there any additional cost to exchange a garment?
The cost of shipping the item to be exchanged is the responsibility of the customer, however, the cost of shipping the new item will be covered by our store.